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Go Wild In Ennis

The 2018 Ennis Street Arts Festival will feature Go Wild in Ennis, illustrations by Aidan Courtney of urban wildlife in some of the shop front windows around the street of Ennis. There are animals, birds, fish and insects that are familiar to us all in our urban environment as well as in the countryside on edge of Ennis that surrounds the town. It will highlight a small number of the diverse creatures that live with us today in Ennis. You will have to find the secret places around the town where all this creatures are hiding. They will come alive when you look at them through your phone! Go on a hunt and see if you can find them all.

Share the fun: Invite your friends.


  • Press the capture button and point your phone at the poster
  • When the animal starts moving, it’s been added to your collection
  • View your collected animals any time for interesting animal facts

Easter Egg Clues:

  1. Dory won’t find him at the cinema.
  2. If you do find him, then get on your high horse right away.
  3. Have you herd of Ennis' "Fox Catcher"?
  4. He'll probably come last in the duck race.
  5. This game is so ribbiting!

Get It Now!


  • Android 4.4 (KitKat) or newer
  • IOS 9 or newer

Feedback Please

If you have any problems with the app, or have any suggestions on how to make it better - please email us. Remember to tell us the make/model/version of device that you're using.